Tue Mar 10 1998


So much harshness in the air, you could make a meal of it. Not just a light snack. A gorging, bloating, buster of a meal.

I'd start with a light base of oil. Possibly add some eggs, fry well in more oil. Add rashers of bacon; as a warning to the faint of heart, this step implied a cleaver. Bean sprouts.

Add bread, toast, biscuits. Mix in weet-bix, fry with milk. Vinegar, caramel, mousse. Sweeten with garlic, fold, knead.

Flour, olives, hair. Tablespoons, tablespoons of ... just tablespoons. Writhe, slither, clean the fridge. Marble, tennis, cockroaches. Snowdrifts, sandpaper, walruses. Sandpaper.

Cabbage, mould, surprise. Customary homewares, old presents, bicycle tyres. Sperm, whales, intestines. Big, mother-fucking, fruit-flies. Teapots. Ladies. Party.

Cigar. Slippers. Imbibe.

Lounge Lizards prepare thyselves, it's getting colder outside in this great southern land.


Copyright © 1995-2010 Conrad Parker <conrad@vergenet.net>. Last modified Tue Feb 19 2002