

The HOgg package provides a commandline tool for manipulating Ogg files and a Haskell library implementing Codec.Container.Ogg.

HOgg supports chained and multiplexed Ogg bitstreams conformant with RFC3533. HOgg can parse headers for CELT, CMML, FLAC, OggPCM, Speex, Theora and Vorbis, and can read and write Ogg Skeleton bitstreams.


HOgg is in HackageDB: hogg. If you have the Hackage "cabal" system installed, simply run:

    $ cabal update
    $ cabal install hogg
Alternatively you can download tarballs from here:


Usage: hogg <subcommand> [options] filename ...

  hogg is a commandline tool for manipulating Ogg files. It supports chained 
  and multiplexed files conformant with RFC3533. Hogg can parse headers for 
  CELT, CMML, FLAC, PCM, Speex, Theora and Vorbis, and can read and write Ogg 
  Skeleton logical bitstreams.

  help          Display help for a specific subcommand (eg. "hogg help chop")
  man           Generate Unix man page for a specific subcommand (eg. "hogg man chop")

  info          Display information about the specified files and their bitstreams
  dump          Hexdump packets of an Ogg file
  pagedump      Display page structure of an Ogg file
  dumpraw       Dump raw (unparsed) page data

  rip           Rip selected logical bistreams from an Ogg file (default: all)
  reconstruct   Reconstruct an Ogg file by doing a full packet demux

  chop          Extract a section (specify start and/or end time)
  merge         Merge, interleaving pages in order of presentation time
  sort          Rewrite with correct page ordering
  addskel       Write a Skeleton logical bitstream

  known-codecs  List codecs known by this version of hogg

Please report bugs to [ogg-dev at xiph.org]



Maintained at github.com/kfish/hogg

git clone git://github.com/kfish/hogg.git

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