Conrad Parker


Some bits of sound created under the name Kobi.

These were made with AUBE, a sound generation and processing program I developed while studying. The screenshots accompanying some of the pieces show the configuration of AUBE at some point during recording. AUBE is used here like an instrument -- you (as the person making the music) can tweak all the sliders and rhythms and bring instruments in and out as you please. This makes it a whole lot more dynamic, unstructured and fun than traditional song sequencers. Anyway, these aren't really songs ...


Kobi-Heyoo_20091105.ogg (1.2M Ogg Vorbis) [2:00]


Kobi-Deika_20011126.ogg (1525k Ogg Vorbis) [2:12]


Kobi-Wannago_20011126.ogg (2147k Ogg Vorbis) [3:10]


Kobi-Birk_20011125.ogg (5636k Ogg Vorbis) [6:37]

Ogg Vorbis

Some of the newer pieces are encoded in Ogg Vorbis format, a patent and royalty free replacement for MP3. Players are available for all popular platforms, including Unix/Linux, Windows Media Player and MacOS, at


Kobi-Blizip_20010730.mp3 (2104k MP3) [2:11] Distant electronica.


Kobi-Zeet_20010725.mp3 (2214k MP3) [2:18] Brassy rolling beetroot infusion.


Kobi-Dozamo_20000203.mp3 (9512k MP3) [9:54] (Screenshot) -- a little longer ;) Very raw ... don't blame me if this blows your expensive speakers up. All the variations etc. were produced live, it took a few minutes to set up the rhythms and ``melodies'' beforehand and then I just screwed around with it for ten minutes. The whole thing only took about half an hour to produce, from setup to creation to encoding to upload (and it shows! :)


Kobi-Rhazmos_20000209.mp3 (5626k MP3) [6:00] (Screenshot) Another longer example. Lots of filtering fun going on ...


Kobi-Fnum_20000131.mp3 (53k MP3) [0:03]

Kobi-Galvin_20000131.mp3 (96k MP3) [0:05]

Kobi-Headseth_20000131.mp3 (96k MP3) [0:05] -- a nice harsh synth sound that changes over time ...

Kobi-Norgen_20000131.mp3 (96k MP3) [0:05] (Screenshot)

Kobi-Stimmy_20000131.mp3 (96k MP3) [0:05]

Kobi-Frizz_20000201.mp3 (96k MP3) [0:05] -- open the filter up just a little ...

Kobi-Stapbz_20000201.mp3 (96k MP3) [0:05] -- uhuh ... and gimme some synth with that.

Kobi-Birri_20000202.mp3 (96k MP3) [0:05] -- some fiddling with the crossfader went on here ...

Kobi-Martcht_20000202.mp3 (96k MP3) [0:05] (Screenshot) -- Bury that rhythm, baby.

Kobi-Versh_20000203.mp3 (96k MP3) [0:05] (Screenshot)

Copyright © 1995-2010 Conrad Parker <>. Last modified Thu Nov 05 2009